Connecting with God
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Connecting in Ministry

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are you stretching?

The second parable in our series for Wednesday nights is the Parable of the Talents.  The memory verse is "Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others.  So use your gift well." 1 Peter 4:10.  God wants us to do our best with the talents He gives us!  We focused on the fact that although we don't always have everything we want, God expects us to do the best with what we have!  We played a game where the kids were broken up into teams and had to only what they had on them to stretch from one side of the room to the other side.  They could use their sweatshirts, sneakers, shoelaces and even belts but that was all!  It wasn't very easy and they really had to use their minds and work together to make it.  It's really hard to have a bag with everything in it that we need, but God has given us a "bag" that we can carry that is full of our talents and gifts!  We may have different talents but no matter what you can do, that ability is a gift from God and He wants us to do our best with what He has given us!

Getting started!  What can we use?
We did it!
What else can we use?
Working together!

Are you using your talents?  What can you do to stretch what God has given you?

What does Jesus mean?

On Wednesday nights, we have started a new study!  We are studying Jesus' parables.  The first one we covered was the focused on was The Parable of the Yeast in Mathew 13:33.  We learned how a little bit of yeast can spread through a lot of flour...and in turn how we can grow in Him.  We made a Spiritual Growth chart and looked at where we are in our love for God, our service to God and how we can grow because when we grow closer to God, the kingdom of God is growing!  God grows His kingdom in amazing ways-like in us!  Our memory verse for this parable was "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" 2 Peter 3:18.  The following photos show the kids working on their memory verse.  They had a great time hunting down their set of balls and arranging them into the correct word order!